SDG&E Prescription Safety Eyewear Program

Get a new or current eyeglass prescription from your optometrist.

Get Authorized.

Download and complete the required SDG&E Authorization form.

Download Form

Get Fitted

Once the form is complete and approved, use it to book an appointment at your convenience.

Book an option below.

Booking Options

Fitting Events

Schedule a fitting appointment at your district's fitting event.

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Miramar Office

Can't attend a fitting event? No problem, visit us at our Miramar office location.

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Your Location

Schedule an individual fitting at a convenient location of your choice.

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SDGE Approved Eyewar

Complete catalog coming soon!


ARX 5007




HiDX A007




Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who should sign my authorization form?

The SDG&E program requires that only SDG&E Supervisors with invoice approval authority sign the authorization form.

Q: What if I don’t know my cost center #?

To process your order, your cost center # must be provided on the Authorization. Your SDG&E Supervisor or Department lead should be able to provide it.  

Q: Are SDG&E contractors eligible for the program?

The program is only available to SDG&E employees. Contractors may place an order at their own expense or On-Sight can bill their employer with prior authorization.

Q: Can I provide my own frames and use the program allowance for lenses?

Yes. Provided frames must be brand new, ANSI Z87 compliant safety frames and are subject to approval.  

Q: Can I order metal safety frames under the program?

Employees exposed to electric hazards must select must select non-metallic frames. Metallic frames selected will require side shields.

Q: How often can I order a new pair of prescription safety glasses under the program?

The SDG&E program allows for one program allowance benefit per eligible employee each calendar year.

Q: What if there are no fitting events scheduled at my district?

Have your supervisor contact us. Or email with provide your supervisor’s name and email and we will contact them to coordinate an event. You may also utilize the other fitting options available.


Contact Us
6780 Miramar Rd, Ste 203 San Diego, CA 92121